The Tarot of the Traveller. A reading for you, here and now.

On this website you will find yourself together with me on an exciting journey of discovery into the world of card reading with playing cards. This way of reading is often associated with the Travelling Tribe.

Veeno Regula Mäder

The Tarot of the Travellers uses French playing cards up to Seven with 2 Jokers.
(Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7)

For many years I have been familiar with this kind of card reading. In difference to other Tarot Decks, this card oracle captures the everyday life with all its ups and downs (number cards), as well as the persons involved (person cards). And this is exactly what has always fascinated and gripped me: Through the cards we look into a simple, clear mirror. The resulting reading is very friendly and benevolent.

In a reading with the Tarot of the Travellers it is not about predicting the future, but about you and what concerns you here and now in your life.

Through Tarot Readings for clients and through my own inner development and conscious awareness, my view into the meaning of the individual cards is constantly deepening. I have begun to illustrate the gained insights into the dynamics of the playing cards with inspiring texts and tailor-made mandalas. For you and me to the delight and wonder.

Tarot Readings

A Reading with the Tarot of the Traveller is a good opportunity to look at an old topic or a long-held question from your life in a new way.

The Mandalas of the Tarot of the Traveller

Each Mandala is a unique creation that is expressing the specific energy of Tarot card related to it.

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All mandalas can be purchased in various sizes as art prints.

About me

veeno reading

I grew up in Switzerland. As a former therapist for children, as a mother and grandmother, as a citizen of the world and as a meditator, I stand awake in life. I perceive my fellow human beings with clarity and intuition. My journey through a very eventful life led me to India, where I met Osho, to Japan and the USA. Now I live in Switzerland again.

At a Tarot Reading I benefit from my long experience as a Card Reader. I love the old wisdom of reading with the normal playing cards because it offers hand for an easy and human approach to everyday life situations. Through my natural talent to meet fellow human beings on a deeply felt level, you feel comfortable in a reading with me. My forty years of meditation practice enables me to meet you wherever you are in a clear and relaxed way. I look at the challenges of life in an unbiased and alert state.

Veeno Regula Mäder