10 of Clubs

Kreuz 10 web

The fire of awakening burns bright inside you!
You experience clear moments where you don't fall for the old stories of the condemning mind.
Stay with it! Use the positive powers of clarity.
Even if the liberation from ego often seems unbelievable and surrealistic, don't give up!
Within you, in silence, your longing for freedom is being realized.
Social barriers slowly fall away.


Aha! Redeeming Insights.

Posted in Clubs, Tarot Cards, Tarotkarte.

One Comment

  1. The message comes from everywhere… my body needs time, care, LOVE….and it was so grateful when yesterday after a long cooking-testing day, I went to my yoga matt and could let go of the tensions, preoccupation and irritations that any work bring…..
    My body is doing SO MUCH for me, the question is: Can I do a bit for my body?
    Thank you body for being the mirror of my soul, for guiding me with your language (incomprehensible at times) to places I don’t want, but I must go…. In gratitude to my body, which takes the biggest toll!!!

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