Ace of Spades

Pik Ass web

Awareness / creative power / pure, clear understanding.
Meditation. Centeredness.

A story about a treasured experience during my life in the States.

„It's four in the morning in the Arizona desert, 4500 feet above sea level. I leave the house for my daily morning walk around Chimney Rock. The cool summer breeze caresses my face, arms and legs. Already a feeling of contentment and joy permeates me. The night is without moon. Above me the Milky Way! Millions of stars. My Milky Way! Every morning a chandelier of breathtaking beauty.

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8 of Hearts

Herz 8 web

Savor sensuality in every moment.
Enjoy happy times.

Actually, she had yelled at me. My friend Louise knew about my habits of brooding, of questioning. We were in the middle of the forest. We had met because once again I was doubting everything and thought I had reached another dead end, and this time for real!

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